Sunday, January 24, 2010

Week 3: Clear

An interesting anecdote about the name WiFi. It's amusing that even the text book says WiFi (Wireless Fidelity), guess they haven't read the article! There is nothing that causes more anger in me than a bad router. It's like they have no quality control at those factories. I bought a 20$ Belkin a couple years ago when I first moved to Gainesville. It lasted me perfectly up until the beginning of this semester. I could access the control panel, it never dropped my connection, etc. When it failed due to the power connection losing its functionality, we switched to my roommate's fancy Netgear router. This thing requires it to be restarted at least a couple times a week. Sometime it doesn't let me even reach the control panel, and I have to factory default it. However the Netgear I use at my parent's home works perfectly fine.

I also found it amusing that the company considers Yahoo! to be on the cutting edge. The website still looks like it was made in 1998.I use it as an old email address for spam, and every time I login, they've stolen yet another feature from some other website (i.e. Status updates, and Avatars). I'd change email, or forward it but I don't really use e-mail for anything other than signing up for things, only every couple months do I actually send someone a message over it.

The website I visit most often would have to be Reddit. It's an aggregator, and much more up to speed than Digg. Also you can customize what appears on your front page by certain topics.

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